Tuesday, March 29, 2005

Euthanasia vs. Eukanuba

In reference to the situation involving Terri Schindler-Schiavo, I only ask that you view the videos at terrisfight.org and make up your own mind. Ask yourself what the parties (Terri’s parents and Terri’s estranged husband) have to gain.

For those of you that think this blog sways to the right, I say this: The Bush boys are screwing up. A governor can grant a stay of execution for a convicted murderer, but can’t intervene in the forced starvation/dehydration of an innocent mentally retarded woman. Jesse Jackson, of all people, had this to offer, " This woman is brain damaged, not brain dead; It is wrong that they are starving her to death." Cheers to you, Rev. Jackson!

I’d like to point out the silence of our future next President, Mrs. Hillary Rodham-Clinton, on the issue.

For the proponents of Mrs. Schindler-Schiavo’s feeding tube being removed, why let her suffer? Why not just kill her outright like they do at the vet’s office? If starvation/dehydration is such a humane way to die, why then do we see images of beached whales being cared for? Why are there concentrated efforts to feed the poor peoples of the world in Cambodia, Ethiopia, and the recently ravaged areas of SE Asia?

We treat our animals better than we’re treating this woman.


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