Thursday, December 30, 2004

sour grapes 2.04

Amid the allegations of alleged voting improprieties in Ohio during the November 2004 Presidential election, I offer my own humble solution.

Drumroll please, buKit.


The Republicans officially concede Ohio to the Democrats. 20 Electoral votes to John Heinz-Kerry.

Heinz-Kerry 272
Bush 266

Or so it would seem.

But why stop there?

Why are the Lefties so incessant on a recount in Ohio? Why not consider a much closer race, like....let's say, Wisconsin?

Consider the numbers, folks.

In Ohio, A total of 5,481,756 votes were cast for all candidates excluding write-ins. Bush got 2,796,147 votes (51.01%), and Heinz-Kerry got 2,659,664 votes (48.52%) for a difference of 136,483 votes or 2.49%. A very close race indeed.

However we saw a much closer race , that the media fail to mention, in Wisconsin where a total of 2,992,390 votes were cast excluding write-ins. Heinz-Kerry got 1,489,935 votes (49.76%) and Bush got 1,477,122 votes (49.36%) for a difference of 11,813 votes or just .04%. My Source for the election results was CBS News, but I did all the math myself.

So, if indeed the 20 electoral votes in Ohio are awarded to Heinz-Kerry, the only fair solution is to give Wisconsin's 10 electoral votes to Bush. And why not? It was a closer race. Hell, every opinion poll I saw in the run-up to the election had a margin of error of at least + or - 3 points.

Drumroll please, buKit.

New Score:
Bush 276
Heinz-Kerry 262

Much to the dismay of the Left, W still wins.

An article in the Columbus Free Press citing republican "stonewalling" in the Kerry campaign's thusfar futile effort to force a recount in Ohio, also makes mention of the "Republican- dominated Ohio State Supreme Court."


Much of Ohio's elected government is Republican, including: 5 of the 7 State Supreme Court Justices (yes they're elected, not appointed), The Governor, Both Senators, and 11 of the 19 members of Congress. So, I guess it isn't much of a stretch for the voters to elect a Republican to the White House.
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