Whole Lotta Rosie
Just Plain Weird
I guess Rosie O'Donnell had too much free time on her hands, because now she has a blog of her own. Scan down to the entry entitled "waffle house" and see what ya think.
Upon reading said entry, I feel honored that even the great Rosie O'Donnell stoops so low as to dine with us lowly peasants (at a waffle house of all places), picks up the $12 tab for someone she deems less fortunate than she, and then takes the time to blog about it.
Oh woe is she.
It just goes to show that you need not be creative to have your own blog. I continue to prove that with each entry of my own.
Also of note from "ro's" website is some really weird shit from her "home movies" section. Check this one for starters. I guess she had some antiwar message she was trying to convey. She's no Ed Wood when it comes to film making. Not sure about you, but I think its just plain creepy.
I guess exploiting your infant children for your own political statements is the "in thing" to do when your career is foundering. What's next? buKit bathing the girls cut in with stills of Tim Horton's in hopes of getting a franchise opened in Fairfax?
Time to make the Doughnuts.
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