Thursday, March 31, 2005

3 Cheers For Socialized Medicine

Tony Blair yesterday faced a woman who pulled out SEVEN of her teeth over the weekend before meeting the Prime Minister in Coventry yesterday. The cleaner, from Scarborough, North Yorks, England has a gum disease that causes her teeth to loosen and did so after failing to find an NHS (National Health Service) dentist. Great-grandmother Valerie Halsworth, 64, removed them with her husband’s pliers, sans anesthetic. My kinda girl.

I can't wait until WE get our own national health care system. Now you know why illegal aliens don't flock to Canada for their health care.


Former Nurse Reveals Terri Schiavo's Capabilities

Blogs - Please repost this and help to see that it gets all around the blogosphere ASAP.

Carla Sauer Iyer, a nurse who cared for Terri Schiavo from April 1995 to July 1996 at Palm Garden of Largo Convalescent Center was recently interviewed by David Allen. Although we’ve posted several articles in the past based on her affidavits [e.g., here], she revealed a few additional details in the interview that have not been widely reported.
During the period in which she daily cared for Terri there was no publicity. “Just Michael [Terri's husband] trying to accelerate her death,” she said. Iyer explained that she would often sneak Terri’s parents, the Schindlers, into see her and that Michael refused to allow therapy of any kind. In fact, he was physically intimidating and would very loudly command the nurses “this is my order and you're going to follow it.”
“We were very intimidated … the whole place,” Iyer revealed, adding that some nurses had a restraining order against Michael Schiavo because his “behavior was so bad.”
When Terri had a urinary or upper respiratory tract infection Michael was visibly excited and would visit more often, asking “is she dead yet?” According to Iyer, at one point Michael exclaimed, “When is that b**** going to die?”
After Michael’s visits, Iyer stated that Terri, at times, became symptomatic for hypoglycemia (low blood sugar). Iyer said she found an unexplainable bottle of fast acting insulin concealed in Terri’s wastebasket that she speculates could have been used to induce the condition. She filed a police report but heard nothing further regarding the incident. Subsequently she received death threats she believes were related to notifying the authorities and was later released from her position as a caregiver because of her actions in support of Terri.
The nurses, including Iyer, interacted with Terri and daily witnessed her respond, laugh, and make requests. “We had her at the front of the nurse’s station… everyone loved Terri,” Iyer said.
When asked about the accuracy of the videos available on the internet Iyer said they were realistic but failed to capture Terri’s personality and, if anything, did not represent the extent of Terri’s ability to respond and communicate.
Iyer witnessed Terri consuming pudding and milkshakes every night and has previously testified that she fed Terri Jello. She witnessed Terri responding to her name, following others with her eyes and head and even moving her body with purpose.
In her prior affadavit, Iyer documented Terri's vocabulary:
Terri’s medical condition was systematically distorted and misrepresented. When I worked with her, she was alert and oriented. Terri spoke on a regular basis while in my presence, saying such things as "mommy," and "elp me." "Help me" was, in fact, one of her most frequent utterances. I heard her say it hundreds of times. Terri would try to say the word "pain" when she was in discomfort, but it came out more like "pay." She didn’t say the "n" sound very well. During her menses she would indicate her discomfort by saying "pay" and moving her arms toward her lower abdominal area. Other ways that she would indicate that she was in pain included pursing her lips, grimacing, thrashing in bed, curling her toes or moving her legs around. She would let you know when she had a bowel movement by flipping up the covers and pulling on her diaper.Certainly this is a story that is not being carried by the mainstream press and has been supressed from judicial decisions. Iyer's testimony brings to light several facts including:
Terri Schiavo is not a "vegetable" and is not "brain dead". She recognizes and responds to others and makes attempts to verbally communicate. [more here]
Terri is not on life support but does receive food and water through a removable tube, which experts testify would not even be necessary if she were given therapy. This assisted feeding is a natural means of preserving life and not a medical act of life support or heroic measures.
Twelve medical experts and nurses who cared for her confirmed these facts. Video available through shows Terri responding and interacting with others. Health care workers have testified under oath [here and here] that she expresses herself using words, such as "mommy" and "help me".
Terri is a person with disabilities who thinks and expresses her moods and desires. She is loved by her family and responds to their visits with smiles and laughter.
Terri Schiavo may be the victim of ongoing negligence and injustice [more here]. She has been denied therapy and rehabilitation by her guardian since 1991. Florida’s guardianship laws REQUIRE that these necessary services be given to her.
Terri Schiavo deserves to have medical tests and therapy. She does not deserve to be starved and dehydrated to death.

Wednesday, March 30, 2005

Nazis: Pioneers in Medicine

by Patrick J. Buchanan
March 23, 2005

Ours is a nation where a judge may not sentence Beltway sniper Lee Malvo to death, because he is too young to die, but can sentence Terri Schiavo to death, because she is too severely handicapped to live.

Schiavo continues the process of dying by starvation and dehydration, a method of capital punishment most would consider criminal if done to a pet.

This was the method used at Auschwitz to murder Father Maximilian Kolbe, the priest who volunteered to take the place of a Polish father of a large family, who was one of 10 the camp commandant had selected for execution in reprisal for the escape of a prisoner.
After being starved and dehydrated for days, Kolbe was injected by his Nazi captors with carbolic acid. He died a martyr's death, said the church that canonized him. That is what would have happened to Terri. Only she would have been denied the lethal injection by those watching her die.

That there arose a national outcry at the execution of Schiavo – so loud Congress and President Bush heard it and came to the rescue – is a sign America is not morally dead ... yet. But a culture of death has taken deep root in America's soul.

One wonders if our young, so many of them cheated of a knowledge of history in schools they are forced to attend, are aware of how closely our elites approximate, in belief and argument, the elites of Weimar and Nazi Germany in the 1920s and 1930s.
In 1920, Dr. Alfred Hoche, professor of psychiatry at the University of Freiburg, and Karl Binding, a law professor at Leipzig, authored "The Permission to Destroy Life Unworthy of Life." They urged a national policy of assisted suicide for those "empty shells of human beings" – the terminally ill and mentally retarded, and those with brain damage and psychiatric conditions.
In October 1933, The New York Times quoted the Nazi minister of justice as saying that ridding Germany of such poor creatures would make it "possible for physicians to end the tortures of incurable patients, upon requests, in the interests of true humanity." "If we desire a certain type of civilization," said George Bernard Shaw, "we must exterminate the sort of people who do not fit in."

In researching "The Death of the West," I discovered that the first episode of publicized "legal" killing of an innocent was the case of "Baby Knauer." The father of the little boy, who was blind, retarded and missing an arm and a leg, appealed to the Fuhrer for permission to have his son put to death. Hitler referred the matter to his physician, Karl Brandt. In 1938, permission was granted.

When war came in 1939, a program code-named "Aktion 4" went about systematically eliminating all "life unworthy of life" in the Reich. By 1940, scores of thousands had been put to death. Then, Bishop Clemens von Galen took to the pulpit of Munster Cathedral to damn Hitler's regime for "plain murder" and direct German Catholics to "withdraw ourselves and our faithful from their (Nazi) influence so that we may not be contaminated by their thinking and their ungodly behavior."

"Aktion 4" went underground. One of its graduates, Franz Stangl, would turn up two years later as commandant of Treblinka.

After the war, the German doctors who had carried out Hitler's orders in violation of the Hippocratic Oath were judged guilty of "crimes against humanity." The Dutch doctors who refused to cooperate in the Nazi program of eliminating "life unworthy of life" during the occupation of Holland were placed among the moral heroes of an immoral era.

Ironically, as the protest to save Schiavo built up steam over the weekend, The New York Times in its "Saturday Profile" warmly featured another Dutch doctor. Dr. Eduard Verhagen has, said the Times, become famous in Europe for having "presided over the medically induced deaths of four extraordinarily ill newborns."

"For his efforts to end what he calls unbearable and incurable suffering," wrote reporter Gregory Crouch, "Dr. Verhagen has been called Dr. Death, a second Hitler and worse – mostly by American opponents of euthanasia."

Verhagen describes himself as a bearer of peace and happiness to children. When these suffering little ones die, he says, "the child goes to sleep. ... It's beautiful in a way. ... They're children who are severely ill and in great pain. It is after they die that you see them relaxed for the first time. You see their faces in a way they should be for the first time."

Franz Stangl could not have put it better. Hitler's doctors may prove to have been the medical pioneers of 21st century.

Tuesday, March 29, 2005

Euthanasia vs. Eukanuba

In reference to the situation involving Terri Schindler-Schiavo, I only ask that you view the videos at and make up your own mind. Ask yourself what the parties (Terri’s parents and Terri’s estranged husband) have to gain.

For those of you that think this blog sways to the right, I say this: The Bush boys are screwing up. A governor can grant a stay of execution for a convicted murderer, but can’t intervene in the forced starvation/dehydration of an innocent mentally retarded woman. Jesse Jackson, of all people, had this to offer, " This woman is brain damaged, not brain dead; It is wrong that they are starving her to death." Cheers to you, Rev. Jackson!

I’d like to point out the silence of our future next President, Mrs. Hillary Rodham-Clinton, on the issue.

For the proponents of Mrs. Schindler-Schiavo’s feeding tube being removed, why let her suffer? Why not just kill her outright like they do at the vet’s office? If starvation/dehydration is such a humane way to die, why then do we see images of beached whales being cared for? Why are there concentrated efforts to feed the poor peoples of the world in Cambodia, Ethiopia, and the recently ravaged areas of SE Asia?

We treat our animals better than we’re treating this woman.

Wednesday, March 16, 2005

Big Brother is watching you

A recent update to AOL's Terms of Service (TOS) for its popular Instant Messenging software (AIM) contains the following:

"Although you or the owner of the Content retain ownership of all right, title and interest in Content that you post to any AIM Product, AOL owns all right, title and interest in any compilation, collective work or other derivative work created by AOL using or incorporating this Content.
"You waive any right to privacy. You waive any right to inspect or approve uses of the content or to be compensated for any such uses," according to the AIM terms of service.

Read more here about AOL's changes

Liberals Needed!! Click Here!!

Tuesday, March 15, 2005

All we need is Love and Smack.

This may be the first of some sort of Canada update segment. I haven't decided yet.

I like Canadians. I really do. Like any government, they have their faults.

All sarcasm aside, thank you for your support in the US war on terror.

From CBS news...

Heroin paid for by Canadian taxpayers was given to junkies Monday and promptly injected. The three Vancouver users have become the first in North America to be given free prescription heroin, as part of a controversial experiment. The North American Opiate Medication Initiative, known as NAOMI, will eventually recruit 157 people for the two-year study. "Today, the treatment stage of the NAOMI study begins," said spokesman Jim Boothroyd. "The clinical trial is fully up and running." Participants will be split into two groups — one receiving heroin, the other methadone — to find out if heroin is better for addicts who have failed at methadone or abstinence. The heroin users will attend NAOMI's heavily secured clinic in Vancouver's Downtown Eastside slum three times a day, seven days a week. They are given their fix and shoot it themselves in an on-site safe-injection room under nurse supervision. "The site has the security requirements of Fort Knox," said Boothroyd. "There's very little heroin on the site, and the site is extremely secure." Methadone users will come twice a day to drink their heroin substitute. The participants get free drugs and medical care, but will only make $150 over the trial by filling out a half-dozen questionnaires. The synthetic heroin is made in Europe, and is stored in a secret location. More than 4,000 drug addicts live near the clinic in Vancouver's impoverished Downtown Eastside, an area known for its street drug deals. The 157 people selected to take part must have been addicted for at least five years. Those in the project will go to the clinic three times a day. Nurses will supervise the injections. Seventy people will receive methadone; the rest will get heroin and methadone. NAOMI's clinical head, Dr. David Marsh, said participants will get a measured dose of heroin that will be reduced if they top up with street drugs. "This will be the first time in Canadian history that physicians are prescribing heroin for the treatment of heroin dependence," he said. Kim Kerr, executive director of the Downtown Eastside Residents Association, said it's time to stop complaining about addiction and start treating it. "People who are addicted to heroin should be treated like anyone with a medical condition," he said.

Those wacky left wing Socialists up north have a creative solution for everything. While they're at it, why not give gambling addicts money and alcoholics their booze? Hell, why stop there? Let's hook the rapists and pedophiles up.

Left wing radicals needed. Click here!

Tuesday, March 01, 2005

My kids would've found this funny. Thank you Leftist wackos.

What in the hell is this world coming to.

Kraft Foods To Stop Production of Trolli Gummi Product
EAST HANOVER, N.J.--(BUSINESS WIRE)--Feb. 25, 2005--Kraft Foods Inc. (NYSE:KFT) today announced that it has decided to stop production of one item in its Trolli Gummi candy product line. The product, Road Kill, which has been on the market since Summer 2004, recently drew attention from consumers and animal activists.
"We introduced this product because it was in keeping with the off-beat nature of what consumers find in the gummi candy aisle, and the product has performed well in-market," said Jim Low, Brand Manager, Trolli. "Our intent was not to be insensitive. In hindsight, we understand how this product could be misinterpreted, and we respect that point of view. As a company, we take our consumers' comments very seriously and, in this case, decided that the best course of action is to stop production of this item."
Consumers may see the product in the marketplace for a period of time, until inventories are depleted.
Kraft recently announced plans to divest its sugar confectionery business, which includes the Trolli brand.
Kraft Foods markets many of the world's leading food brands, including Kraft cheese, Maxwell House and Jacobs coffees, Nabisco cookies and crackers, Philadelphia cream cheese, Oscar Mayer meats, Post cereals and Milka chocolates, in more than 150 countries.
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