Wednesday, November 30, 2005

Here, kitty kitty.

My neighborhood has a serious stray cat problem. They really don't belong to anyone, and they constantly get into the trash, defacate in the flower beds, and fight with one another. Naturally, I assumed that our municipal animal control establishment could take care of the problem. Apparently they need my assistance.

So, in keeping with the cat motif this week, I offer this:

One cat trap courtesy of Harris County Animal Control. I trap 'em, they fetch 'em. I've already had one lucky feline so far. True to their word, the Animal Control people came out and picked him up.

Monday, November 28, 2005

A brief message to my loyal minions

From time to time, I seem to drop off the face of the Earth for no apparent reason. Obviously this has been the case in recent weeks as I've severely curtailed my internet usage. I fully intend to keep kjunglerants alive and mean no disrespect to the loyal readers of said blog. I wholeheartedly apologize for any lack of recent updates.

As far as the goings on in my life:

The boys just got back from a trip to Ohio and Kentucky and were happy to be home.

Canada's government is collapsing with a no confidence vote given to prime misister Paul Martin. The vote was led in part by the conservative party. Take that, liberal bastards.

With that, I offer this...

Please do not follow the link if you are in any way, shape, or form a "cat person".
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