Thursday, December 30, 2004

sour grapes 2.04

Amid the allegations of alleged voting improprieties in Ohio during the November 2004 Presidential election, I offer my own humble solution.

Drumroll please, buKit.


The Republicans officially concede Ohio to the Democrats. 20 Electoral votes to John Heinz-Kerry.

Heinz-Kerry 272
Bush 266

Or so it would seem.

But why stop there?

Why are the Lefties so incessant on a recount in Ohio? Why not consider a much closer race, like....let's say, Wisconsin?

Consider the numbers, folks.

In Ohio, A total of 5,481,756 votes were cast for all candidates excluding write-ins. Bush got 2,796,147 votes (51.01%), and Heinz-Kerry got 2,659,664 votes (48.52%) for a difference of 136,483 votes or 2.49%. A very close race indeed.

However we saw a much closer race , that the media fail to mention, in Wisconsin where a total of 2,992,390 votes were cast excluding write-ins. Heinz-Kerry got 1,489,935 votes (49.76%) and Bush got 1,477,122 votes (49.36%) for a difference of 11,813 votes or just .04%. My Source for the election results was CBS News, but I did all the math myself.

So, if indeed the 20 electoral votes in Ohio are awarded to Heinz-Kerry, the only fair solution is to give Wisconsin's 10 electoral votes to Bush. And why not? It was a closer race. Hell, every opinion poll I saw in the run-up to the election had a margin of error of at least + or - 3 points.

Drumroll please, buKit.

New Score:
Bush 276
Heinz-Kerry 262

Much to the dismay of the Left, W still wins.

An article in the Columbus Free Press citing republican "stonewalling" in the Kerry campaign's thusfar futile effort to force a recount in Ohio, also makes mention of the "Republican- dominated Ohio State Supreme Court."


Much of Ohio's elected government is Republican, including: 5 of the 7 State Supreme Court Justices (yes they're elected, not appointed), The Governor, Both Senators, and 11 of the 19 members of Congress. So, I guess it isn't much of a stretch for the voters to elect a Republican to the White House.

Wednesday, December 29, 2004

Happy Birthday Twins!!!!

Happy Birthday to my sons Sean and Jacob.

They are officially Nine years old today!!!!

Tuesday, December 28, 2004

One million bulbs of Christmas Luv.

buKit here. Your kjunglerants war correspondent. I'm embedded here in the war on our own soil. The war to figure out exactly just what is wrong with people.

I've noticed that kjungleboy's postings of late have been of a 'holiday' or in the case of his Kwanzaa entry 'pseudo-holiday' nature so I thought I'd chime in with a holiday observation of my own.

This past weekend the in-laws were in town and in the interest of getting out of the house it was decided-I'm not sure by whom-that we were to venture out one night to view the BigXmasLightShow®. For the uninitiated, the BigXmasLightShow® is a festive holiday display of -yes- Christmas lights. At a local public park here in the region they set up a display of lights for you to drive through-but I'm getting ahead of myself.

After locating a phone number on the web for information on the display, I gave it a call to get information. I had questions - questions that needed answers. Where was the place? What were the hours? Could I bring my 12 gauge in to take out lights or would only air rifles (i.e. the Red Rider model) be permitted? These were the burning questions.

The voice on the other end of the phone was - of course - a recording, because nobody actually talks on or answers the phone anymore. Even better, it was the voice of a sweet little girl, hawking the BigXmasLightShow® and all of it's other-worldly delights. She went on in her little Shirley Temple voice (reading from the card the cigar huffing used car-salesman had written out) about how she loved certain parts of the light display and how her mom liked this part and how her brother loved the 'outerspace' display (Christmas and Aliens, can you have both? Or is that like Jerry Falwell supporting the war in Iraq?). The little girl, or 'CutiePie' as I've come to call her, as this surely must be her name, also delivered all the incidentals such as location, hours, and cost with all the dexterity of a Land's End customer service representative. Alas there was no mention made as to what sort of weaponry would be permitted. I was told though that the 1st 100 cars through each night would receive a free Urban Sombrero, courtesy of the local BigChainClothingStore®. Ok so that's not true, but at this point it wouldn't have surprised me.

The whole light display is, of course, for charity, but I will only mention that in passing, as it takes some of the edge off my biting cynicism, and that would make for a much less entertaining read. Find fault if you will, but you've read this far....

Night falls. While businessmen and soccermoms schmooze over scotches and fake conversation with 'A Yanni Christmas' playing in the background - we steal into the night in our most wretched of vehicles, the minivan - to enjoy the most White Trash of the Christmas Festivites, the BigXmasLightShow®. All that was missing was a cooler of Budweiser Tall boys to pass around. The fact that the minivan was a rental and had no dents and all it's hubcaps did give away our obvious lower middle class origins, however it would have to do. I considered removing one tire and putting the donut spare on to better camoflauge us amongst the locals, but at the last minute decided against it. I would need all the traction I could get should I need to make a hasty getaway.

We found our way out to the sticks where the BigXmasLightShow® was installed. I paid my 12 bucks per carload to the collective of people huddled around the entrance staying warm by sticking close to 55 gallon drums with wooden fires burning inside. Drums genrously donated by BigOil® - "and a thanks to everyone for burning copious amounts of fossil fuel to come view the lights! Merry Christmas! Please feel free to use the drums as flotation devices when the polar ice caps melt! Good day!"

I do believe that there was probably at least a million bulbs as the website and CutiePie had purported. There was a 'Noah's Ark' display, but alas no 'Theory of Evolution' display. I momentarily considered contacting the ACLU but decided against it, by the time I got my case into court the light show would probably have been packed up and moved, thus destroying any evidence I had. Damn Christmas Lighters - they're like civil rights infringing ninjas - they hit you in the Santa gut and then fade away into the Holy Night. In hindsight, maybe I should have contacted them, aren't they after all trying to get rid of Christmas all together? Probably best that I didn't help their case too much, I for one, am in favor of keeping Christmas around - it's the only way I can get time off work.

So we wove our way through the 2 miles of lights at the prescribed 10 miles an hour. It was too hard for me to turn the car and get shots off with the air rifle, so I eventually abandoned the whole idea - I'd have to stick to houses on my street. As I was sitting there, with the other cars, bumper to bumper I had a thought about those fellas up in the space station above the earth. I imagined a conversation something like this:

Perfect Human Specimen in both body and mind (hereafter referred to as Astronaut) #1:
"Hey can you pass me another tube of turkey with green beans - whoa! What is that!"

Astro #2:
"The computer is telling me it's a huge cloud of gas being emitted from the earth's surface...must be some sort of seismic thing, volcano or something."

Astro #1:
"Uh, dumbass, that's the Northeastern United States. There's no volcano there. There's only one other logical explanation."

Astro #2 (getting it):
"Ahhhh. Right. Christmas Light Display. Must be a busy night, lots of cars. Damn, that's a huge fucking cloud."

Astro #1:
" Yea. I'm no rocket scientist, but that can't be good. You gonna drink that cup of sweet potatoes?"

Overall it would seem that we are destined to do harm even when we try to do good.

Happy Holidays.

Sunday, December 26, 2004

The only true universally accepted racist holiday.

In today's politically corrected society, people are taught and conditioned by the left to think that Kwanzaa is a legitimate holiday. You are led to believe that Kwanzaa is some sort of African tradition, invoking customs passed on from generation to generation bridging the divide from the old continent to the Americas. Nothing could be further from the truth.

Observe the following quotation...


The declaration above is blatantly racist. One could draw the likely conclusion that the statement comes directly from a white-supremecist website. If, however, you were to replace "white" with "black", then you would have the official Kwanzaa Pledge. It reads as such:


See it for yourself at the official Kwanzaa Information Page.

Sounds pretty racist to me. Quotations and statements such as that make me cringe. In this day and age, uttering such nonsense is akin the philosophies practiced in Nazi Germany, and the segregation era South. Not of word of this discriminatory, exclusionary rhetoric belongs in any so-called civilized society.

The Rev. Jesse Lee Peterson, founder and president of BOND (Brotherhood Organization of A New Destiny) agrees. In an article from the BOND website entitled Just Say 'No" to Kwanzaa, Reverend Peterson states, "Kwanzaa is an anti-God, anti-American, and anti-white holiday created by a black felon. Kwanzaa only serves to further separate blacks from God and America. Black Christians should stop celebrating this pagan holiday. Instead, they should stand up for Christmas. If black Christians don't stand up for Christmas and reject Kwanzaa, they are allowing evil to have its way. They will regret using a fake holiday to stamp out the true meaning of Christmas."

A little bit of history about Kwanzaa...

Kwanzaa was created in 1966 by Marxist visionary Ron Karenga. In 1970, Karenga was tried and convicted of torturing two female members of black-nationalist cult US(United Slaves). Excerpts of the testimony appearing in the LA Times on May 14, 1971 stated, "Deborah Jones, who once was given the Swahili title of an African queen, said she and Gail Davis were whipped with an electrical cord and beaten with a karate baton after being ordered to remove their clothes. She testified that a hot soldering iron was placed in Miss Davis' mouth and placed against Miss Davis' face and that one of her own big toes was tightened in a vise. Karenga, head of US, also put detergent and running hoses in their mouths, she said."

Ah, where is the love? Interesting note. Karenga's overtly Marxist made-up holiday is now the victim of excessive comercialization.

The wonders of Capitalism.

Project 21's La Shawn Barber wrote an insightful article entitled Why Black Christians Shouldn't Celebrate Kwanzaa. Its refreshing to hear voices in the Black Community such as Barber and Rev. Peterson condemn this racist nonsense and expose it for what it is.

PS - To all in Canada. Happy Boxing Day.

Saturday, December 25, 2004

Just for the record, it really was a white Christmas in Houston

Merry Christmas to one and all. My sincerest thanks to those in the military that weren't able to spend Christmas with there families. Thank you keeping us here in the States free and safe.

Thank you Republicans!

As the result of your demonic efforts, we had an historic snowfall in Houston. We also look forward to the 70° week ahead.

How much longer will the lefties allow Its A Wonderful Life and A Charlie Brown Christmas to air on network television, in all their overtly obligatory Christian ideological spleandor, whilst in full view of our children?

How dare they on Christmas, the day Jesus was born.

Shame on you, network television.

Wednesday, December 22, 2004

Its cold everywhere. Let's blame Bush!

I've been in Houston for just over six years, and the temperature is expected to be the coldest on record in recent history. They're actually predicting freezing precipitation for the upcoming Christmas, oops Holiday weekend. Record cold temperatures are predicted throughout the US.

But how?

I thought the Earth was heating at an alarming rate because of the so-called misguided environmental policies of the sycophantic religious right. Global Cooling anyone? Those darn conservatives.

I offer this.

If the Earth is in fact suffering from the effects of Global Warming, the ice caps are melting, and we're to expect some huge flood as a result, then why doesn't a glass of water overflow when the ice melts?

Tuesday, December 21, 2004

Hate to say I told you so, ALRIGHT!!!!!!!!

To be sung aloud in your best impression of the Hives:

Today, I made mention to a friend of mine that the Dow Jones Indrustrial Average had reached it's highest close since June 13, 2001, some 3½ years. I also mentioned to him that the 3 major networks' newscasts would make no mention of it due to the fact that it put the economy under our current President in a good light and contradicted the doom and gloom that they choose to portray.

I stand partially corrected.

Indeed, I was able to view two of the networks' (ABC and NBC) statements regarding the stock market. I was channel surfing, and I wasn't able to catch Dan Rather and the CBS posse mention it. The core fact here is that it actually was mentioned. I hereby apologize to my friend. I was wrong.

However, I was correct in my assertion that no credit would be given to the Administration. Both Brian Williams(NBC) and Peter "I'm a little concerned about this notion everybody wants us to be objective" Jennings(ABC) attributed the surge in the market to the so called "Santa Claus Rally" phenomenon. Said Jennings, "analysts say that stocks often rise around Christmas".

Now this may be true to a certain extent, but dear friends on the left, what of Christmas....oops.....X-mas 2001? X-mas 2002? X-mas 2003? Why didn't the economy rebound to a record level during those festive Christmas(oops, I mean Holiday) seasons only to fall flat on its face due to the failed economic policies of the current administration? Where were the Santa Claus rallies of '01, '02, and '03? Or for that matter, '00, '99, '98?

Just so we're clear here. Bush is to blame when the economy does poorly, despite the fact that he inherited Clinton's recession (begun in October of 2000), had the terrible misfortune of the Terror attacks of 9/11 and all their economic ramifications, and the fact that the country (whether you agree with the necessity for military action in Iraq and Afghanistan or not) is at war. The left-wing media complex just will not let him have a pass.

To further prove my point, I offer this....

A recent AP story listed the contributors to President Bush's upcoming inaugural event. The report specifically mentioned, "Northrop Grumman Corp., the world's largest shipbuilder and second-largest U.S. defense contractor, which donated $100,000", and "Occidental Petroleum Corp., whose business stands to benefit from the president's actions concerning Libya, donated $250,000, as did Exxon Mobil, the world's largest publicly traded oil company." Of course the obligatory Enron slam read as such: "former Enron President Richard Kinder, who left the firm five years before it collapsed and now is CEO of one of the largest energy transportation and storage companies in the country. Kinder also gave $250,000." Despite the fact that he is half a decade removed from the scandal and is not under federal indictment, this statement unfairly paints Bush in a bad light by connecting him with the Enron debacle. Guilty by association, right? Does that mean that Bill Clinton is guilty as well?

Submitted for your approval.

Among the contributors to former President Clinton's 1993 inauguration were:
-the aforementioned Occidential Petroleum(oh my gosh, Big Oil)

-oil giant Chevron(oh my gosh, Big Oil again)

-defense contractor Textron, maker of the much troubled V-22 Osprey

-Texas energy concern Panhandle Eastern Pipe Line Company(oh my gosh, Texas AND energy)
-Atlantic Richfield Company ARCO(not Big Oil yet again. You have got to be kidding)

-Coastal Corporation(uh, Texas and energy once again, sheesh)

-Enron(yes, folks. Enron)

-Phillips Petroleum Company(does petroleum mean oil?)

In the words of Michael Moore, "It buys a lot of love."

I'll deal with Mr. Moore in another blog.

If anyone needs any further proof that the leftist media paint Bush as an evil oligarch whilst giving the Democrats a free pass I can continue by posting the contributors to Clinton's 1997 inauguration, (Boeing, Raytheon, Entegy) as well as the contributors to Gore's and Kerry's election campaigns.

I have many differences in opinion with the current administration, don't get me wrong. But I can't understand why the leftist media and leftist bloggers are so pigheadedly one-sided in their hatred of this President. While I did vote for Bush, I'm not of the opinion that he can do no wrong, and I won't defend his policies that I disagree with. I just can't understand the hypocrisy ignorance of those that find nothing but fault with the President. Your views on Iraq aside, you're a moron if you do nothing but portray him as a total and utter failure as a President, and that he is at the beck and call of the energy, oil, and defense industries.

Monday, December 20, 2004

Canadian Socialist Terrorists strike in Duluth, MN

Zamboni explodes; fire destroys arena
Larry Oakes, Star Tribune
December 20, 2004 HOCKEY1220

DULUTH -- A Duluth hockey arena was destroyed and at least two people suffered minor injuries Sunday night after a Zamboni ice-resurfacing machine exploded during a broomball game, starting a major fire and sending players and spectators fleeing.
"It looked like the Zamboni doors flew off onto the ice," a player told KDLH-TV in Duluth, referring to the doors of the enclosure in which the Zamboni sat while waiting to go on to the ice. The explosion happened about 9:40 p.m. at Peterson Arena, 3501 Grand Av. in west Duluth.
The witness said the explosion started ceiling insulation on fire, and the building was quickly engulfed.
"There were people on the ice that got hit by the doors," the player told the television station. "We all just ran out of there. I think everybody got out."

Battling the fire
Associated Press
A nursing supervisor at St. Mary's Medical Center in Duluth said this morning that one person was treated at the hospital and released.
Player Ryan Ringsred, who was bandaged, picked small pieces of Plexiglas from the back of his neck. He was on the ice when the explosion happened.
"I was facing the boards when they blew up," Ringsred said. "I was on the ice and the Zamboni blew up behind me. I was flat on the ice."
About 30 people -- including two broomball teams and a handful of fans -- were inside the building at the time of the explosion.
People who live near the arena reported hearing two loud booms and shortly afterward seeing flames shooting out of the building.
Police blocked off streets leading to the arena and city buses were called so evacuees could get out of the cold. Natural gas and electric service were shut off to the burning building, a move that also cut power and gas in the surrounding neighborhood.
By 10:15 p.m., the fire had engulfed the north side of the building, and police cleared out the warming house when it looked as if the fire might reach nearby power lines.
Peterson Arena is one of two city-owned arenas managed by the Duluth Amateur Hockey Association, which operates some 60 youth hockey teams for more than 800 players.
The arena was scheduled to be the site of a number of tournaments through March, according to the association's Web site.

Sunday, December 19, 2004

Its ironic

I was having a conversation with my friend Kent the other day about the pros and cons of both the Houston and the DC/VA/MD metropolitan areas. The subject of the air in Houston came up. I'll make no excuses for the air here. It's notoriously bad due to the thriving petrochemical industry. However, I stumbled across an AP story citing the EPA's recent findings regarding 223 Counties in 20 states and their failure to meet federal air standards. Please see the article here. That being said, I found it ironic that: 1)Practically the entire DC metropolitan area is included in the list, and 2)Not one county in the Lone Star State is mentioned. Vast right-Wing conspiracy? You decide.
Hold your comments, folks.
I'm sure that there are studies that show that the Air Quality Index here in Houston is poor. As I mentioned before, I make no excuses for that. I just found it ironic that my friend and I were discussing this very subject, and the air in the DC area is really poor as well.

Instructions for safer living in an ecologically unfriendly environment:

-Breathe in.
-Get in your SUV.
-Take a Prozac.
-Breathe out.
-Watch helplessly as your SUV veers into oncoming traffic.
-Live the next ten years of your life as a vegetable breathing 100% pure, clean O² through a hole in your trachea.

Friday, December 17, 2004

Get well soon, Lyn

My prayers and sincerest best wishes to my friend Kent's wife Lyn for a speedy recovery. Get well soon!

Tuesday, December 07, 2004

Where's a feminist when you need one?

Young girls born in Europe to immigrant families from Africa are being subjected to ritual genital mutilation (clitorectomy), and authorities are doing little to discourage it.
Somalia-born supermodel and best-selling author Waris Dirie, who has campaigned to end the disfiguring practice she suffered at age five in her homeland, said yesterday that she estimates one in every three African families living in Europe is secretly carrying out the ritual on their daughters. No official figures exist.The procedure, illegal in most European countries, is especially prevalent in Germany and the Netherlands, as well as in Austria, where an estimated 8,000 girls born into immigrant families have been affected, Dirie said. We don't know who's doing it and where, because there are few initiatives to prevent it or to encourage doctors, nurses, social workers, teachers and others to report suspected cases, Dirie said. An exception is France, where there is strong awareness and education, she said. What good is a law if no one is paying attention? Dirie told reporters in Austria, where she was being honored yesterday by a Roman Catholic men's movement for her efforts to stop the practice.Islamic religious leaders are telling Europe's Muslim Africans that the prophets recommend the ancient ritual, which involves the removal of the clitoris, often with a dull blade and no anesthesia, Dirie said. That is a catastrophe, she said. Every imam who is not actively against genital mutilation is guilty. Mutilation is not a tradition – it’s a crime that must be abolished. Although women generally perform the procedure, sometimes called female circumcision, men are ultimately responsible because untrimmed young women face great difficulties in African societies in finding a husband, Dirie said. Between 100 million and 140 million women have undergone genital mutilation worldwide, and two million girls are at risk each year, according to the World Health Organization, which says the practice can lead to infection, the spread of Aids and crippling physical, psychological and sexual problems.The practice has been on the rise not only among immigrants in Europe but also in Australia, Canada and the US, Who says.Petra Bayr, an official with Austria's Socialist Party, said the bloc's women would press the government to consider genital mutilation an act of violence and legitimate grounds for women fleeing it to be granted asylum in Austria. Women who are threatened with genital mutilation or have already suffered it should not have to wait for months for an open door, added Raimund Loeffelmann, a spokesman for the Catholic men's organization honoring Dirie yesterday.
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