Saturday, September 03, 2005


I'd like to preface this entry by asking anyone and everyone to contribute to the Hurricane Katrina Relief Effort. I did so after an email by my good friend and kjunglerants co-contributor buKit. He may not be in the best financial situation with what's gone on in his family's life lately, and yet he still was able to give.

The following is a list of places that you can contribute:

Its really difficult to find words to describe what some of these people have experienced in the last week. One of the things that really irritates me to no end is how people seize on an opportunity to better themselves as a result of others' suffering. Jesse Jackson had the nerve to question President Bush's response to the disaster and Bush's apparent nonappointment of Blacks to the effort stating, "How can blacks be locked out of the leadership, and trapped in the suffering?"

For some reason, Jackson failed to note that U.S. Army Lt. Gen. Russell Honore, head of the military task force overseeing operations in the three states, is Black. His task force is providing search and rescue, medical help and sending supplies to the three states in support of the Federal Emergency Management Agency.

Guess that doesn't prove Jesse's point though.

Are Blacks the only people affected by this tragedy? Do you honestly think that in this day and age that people would care more, donate more, help more if the victims were all white? People point out how many of the innocent victims are Black. Uh, News Flash. White people live in New Orleans and the Gulf Coast too. They've been victimized. The people rendering aid to those affected come from all walks of life and are of all colors. New Orleans happens to have a 67% Black population, so the law of averages would dictate that, unfortunately, most of the victims would be Black.

But honestly, does it really matter what color someone's skin is? The only ones I hear making this argument are the people on the left. Canadian Blogger Matthew Good stated that , "Were affluent whites stranded in New Orleans, the response would resemble lightning. Well moron, affluent whites ARE stranded in New Orleans. For example, some tourists (in Matthew Good's eyes no doubtedly white and affluent since they were on vacation, and some of them Canadian at that) at a hotel pooled together their money, to the tune of $25,000, only to have their prepaid buses commandeered by evil the Bush Government. (see here) FEMA diverted the buses to the Convention Center where (according to Jesse Jackson and Mr. Good) the poor and the Black were suffering at the hands of evil white people. Yet the evil, rich tourists were forced to sleep on a highway overpass.

When I see the footage of the goings on, I don't see a crying Black child, I see an innocent baby that has inhabited a cess pool for 4 days without a clean diaper. I don't see poor peoples' houses destroyed and the rich ones spared, I see a devastated city and a horrific natural event that took aim at every class, color, sex, and creed. I see doctors, pilots, divers, engineers, and nurses of all colors trying to help a beleaguered people while putting their own lives on hold.

For whatever moronic reason, hip-hop tool Kanye West took a swipe at President Bush this evening claiming, "George Bush doesn't care about Black people" and said America is set up "to help the poor, the Black people, the less well-off as slow as possible. I hate the way they portray us in the media. If you see a Black family, it says they're looting. See a white family, it says they're looking for food." West went on to say that he'd informed his business manager to see how much he could give. Just so we're straight here, the President has mobilized the military, earmarked an unprecidented $10.5 billion in initial aid, visited the devastation twice, and is a racist bigot that hates Blacks. Kanye West made a phone call to his bookkeeper.

Dear Kanye, You could take a page out of Macy Gray's book and volunteer your time to the Red Cross as she has here in Houston and try to help people put their lives back together.

Its funny, because the humanitarian aid was discontinued in favor of cracking down on the lawlessness by none other than New Orleans' mayor, C. Ray Nagin who happens to be Black. He rightly did so only after the thugs (his words not mine) needed to be dealt with. Rescue teams and vehicles delivering aid were being fired upon and hijacked. National guardsman and police were being shot at. Police were powerless against armed hoodlums. Looting was out of control. Women and even CHILDREN were being raped. Nearly one third (some estimates put it at half) of the N.O. police force simply deserted their posts.

I'd like to go on record as saying that mayor Nagin has done an admirable job in wake of this disaster. He is STILL in the city some five days after the Hurricane. He told everyone to leave before Hurricane Katrina hit. Even though the Superdome deteriorated into obscene living conditions, nearly everyone that chose to evacuate to that location survived thanks to mayor Nagin. The use of the Superdome was only intended for the duration of the storm. Its my understanding that mayor Nagin has stayed at the New Orleans convention center, and that the conditions there are even more deplorable than the Superdome. See for yourself here.

Why in the hell in this day and age and in the wake of this disaster are people trying to focus on how we may be different, instead of how we are all so exactly alike? Saying that racism is involved in this response makes about as much sense as saying that the Hurricane deliberately sought out the less fortunate. Its saying that the doctors and nurses aren't trying as hard to save lives, the helicopter pilots aren't flying as fast, the winches aren't going up and down as quickly, people aren't donating as much.... all because of the color of one's skin.

If you jerks are going to play the race card, do me a favor. At least wait until we save everyone that we can save and restore as much of the battered Gulf Coast as we can. Your nonsense isn't doing a damn bit of good. Why must you be so incessant on dividing people that are making such an effort to unite?

And a HUGE PS goes out to kjunglerants sole female correspondent -lilsistor- (aka KLF) for her recent comments on the buKitzone that I post here in their entirety:

"Hey all, As evil as cooporate America can be please keep in mind these folks who are steping up to the plate in the south. Coca-Cola, WalMart, Home Depot, Lowes, Giant Foods, and Anheuser Busch.
Strangely missing from the list many who were champions in the Tsunami Relief efforts. Perhaps they are still in shock and we should give them a chance, or that could just be a lame excuse. STARBUCKS, Target, Pepsico, Macy's and Sears. Source for all info each company's web-site press release page."


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